Contract Miner: Marketplace
One special Part of Contract Miner is the Marketplace.
Here you can buy or sell Miners without a Level restriction which means a player with Level 1 as example can buy Miners which needs Level 104 in the normal shop.
It is also possible to sell Miners instantly to the Trader (with a larger loss of CMCI) if you need space for new miners.
To Access the Market you have to select the “Market” entry on the left side.
The default View is the Bit-Market where you can buy Miners.
Here you can see AntMiner S5 which can be bought with Level 1 when you have enough CMCI.
Info: The Price is Higher then the normal Shop Price because there is no restriction here.
For Selling Miners its needed to Enter your normal Pin (Same as Used for Withdrawing)
If you have any Disabled Miners you can List them now on the Market when you enter the Amount of CMCI and click on List Miner
When the miner is successfully listed it will give you a Popup-Info that the miner is now up for sale.
When you check now on sell Miners your miner will be shown as in the screenshot on top and the selling can be cancelled with a click on “Cancel Listing”
When the listing is cancelled you will see this also as a Popup-Info in the Dashboard
The last Point on the Market is the Trader.
Here you can sell your miners (active and passive) instantly but as you can see you’ll lost a lot of CMCI if you sell them directly.
Info: Keep in mind that EVERY Payment on the Market is in CMCI and cannot be reverted
subject to change. Last editited on 15.02.2021