Finding my balance - Update 1.27

Find your account balances after update 1.27.

As of the recent update the balance / progress stats have changed posititions. This was part of optimising the pages and declutting the sidemenu due to the amount of information on there. Since new features are always being added, it become difficult to make UI space.

Anyways, where can I find my balances? (This is targetted to mobile / tablet users).

1. Primarly, you can find balances on the top navbar. Please note this will not show for small screen devices but would for medium screen sizes.

2. On the homepage there is a secondary sidemenu on the right side of the page. If you are on a medium / large screen size it will auto display. If you are on a small screen / mobile you will have to manually open this. Bellow you can see how to open it.

I hope this has been of some help and cleared up a few Questions.



Posted: 03/04/2019 By: thekingajew